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Pelvic floor muscles exercises* (Kegel muscles)

Urogynaecological physiotherapy is a field of physiotherapy dealing with working with the muscles of the pelvic floor, the organs of the pelvis minor (bladder, uterus, rectum), working with scar tissue after caesarean section or perineal incision.  

In addition, she specialises in the treatment of diseases and dysfunctions such as: 

urinary incontinence  

faecal and gas incontinence,  

lowering of the reproductive organs,  

painful intercourse and  

working to improve abdominal muscle function after childbirth. 


The pelvic floor is a group of skeletal muscles shaped like a hammock that performs a number of important functions : 

-maintaining correct posture  

- supporting the organs of the lower pelvis (uterus, bladder, rectum), 

- limiting the spread of intra-abdominal pressure build-up, 

-responsibility for normal micturition and defecation  

- sexual function (orgasm) 

- the course of childbirth and the puerperium. 

In order for the muscles to play their proper role in our body, they must be able to generate sufficient contractile force as well as having the ability to relax. Muscles that are too weak will not support the abdominal organs, bladder and bowel contents, while muscles that are too tense can make defecation difficult and cause painful intercourse. It is also worth mentioning that too much muscle tension also leads to muscle weakness. 


Recommended for:


- learning or making sure you are activating your pelvic floor muscles correctly, 

- losing urine when bouncing, sneezing, coughing, lifting, 

- incontinence of gas, faeces, 

- feeling a constant urge to urinate, 

- pain in the lumbar region, 

- pains in the hip joints 

- pain during intercourse, insertion of a tampon, 

- difficulty in emptying the bladder or bowels completely. 

-prophylactically after natural childbirth and caesarean section  


-no patient consent 


For your convenience, we have set up a special telephone number for the physiotherapist who provides coaching and information: Tel. 790 565 801  

Treatment duration: 30 min.

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Price for guests SAN MEDICAL SPA

90,00 PLN

Price for people outside SAN MEDICAL SPA

90,00 PLN