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Firming-peeling massage with herbal stemple

Herbal stemple creme peeling improving skin`s appearance.

It` s an intensive firming massage- a very good way to get rid of toxins from a body, eliminates muscle tension or acceleration of cellular metabolism.

Effects of herbs:

cinamonn - supports a microcirculation, which helps in oxygenation of the face

ginger -  warms up, stimulates blood circulation, supports slimming and modelling  processes, also to keep cellulite control.

grapefruit - works anti-toxins and helps to keep cellulite control

red pepper - increases the assimilation of vitamins by skin, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesics properties.

guarana - seeds of this herb ingrendients are coffein and vit. B3 -works stimulant, reducing edema, helps to get rid of toxins, to keep the skin taut and beautifull, got anti-cellulite, slimming and firming properties. 

coffein increases of adrenaline, serotonine and norepinephrine, improving concentration and thought processes, introducing into a good moods, removing fatigue. Polyphenolic compound included in a coffee slow down the skin aging process, reduce fat tissue, get rid of toxins from the body, body shaping.


Except for stamps:

- improving the appearance and tension of the skin

- reduction of body fat

- cleansing the body of toxins causing, among others cellulite formation

- body shaping

Treatment duration: 60 min.

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Price for guests SAN MEDICAL SPA

190,00 PLN

Price for people outside SAN MEDICAL SPA

220,00 PLN