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Manual lymphatic massge - 2 limbs*

The aim of the lymphatic massage is to enhance lymph circulation in the lymphatic system, i.e. starting from lymphatic capillaries to atrioventricular ostia. It is achieved in a mechanical manner (with the use of a special device – a massager) or in a manual manner by pushing the lymph through and thus restring patency in lymph nodes. The effects of the correctly performed drainage should include: improvement of lymph cells production, water and mineral salts circulation, bacteria elimination as well as eliminating the outcomes that are visible on the outside, i.e. elimination of oedemas. In order to reach such a condition, the lymphatic drainage must be performed in accordance with the prescribed rules and with the use of the relevant techniques.


Treatment duration: 30 min.

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Price for guests SAN MEDICAL SPA

90,00 PLN

Price for people outside SAN MEDICAL SPA

120,00 PLN