The per vaginum/per rectum examination is a palpation examination to determine the condition of the pelvic floor muscles.
Before proceeding to the examination, the therapist will interview the patient, assess posture and perform a general physiotherapy examination.
The examination of the pelvic floor muscles takes place on the couch, the patient is kept informed of what the physiotherapist will be doing and for what purpose. She can also stop the examination at any time.
The examination is performed without a speculum, the therapeutic organ is the physiotherapist's finger.
During the examination, we ask the patient to cough and push, look at the labia, check sensation and the position of the pelvic organs (urethra, bladder, uterus). We then ask for activation of the pelvic floor muscles to determine their strength, ability to contract and relax them.
On the basis of the examination, the physiotherapist can plan an individualised therapy with specific dysfunctions in mind. After the examination, the therapist plans the therapy depending on the diagnosed problem.The patient meets regularly with the therapist and does independent work/training at home.
Stress urinary incontinence
- Overactive bladder
- Urge urgency
- Vaginal gas
- Postpartum
- Postoperatively
- Organ descent
- Lack of sexual satisfaction
- Painful intercourse
- Problem getting pregnant
- Lack of patient consent
- Psychological problems
- Infections
- Oncological episode
- Immediately after childbirth
- Bleeding/ menstruation
- Pregnancy (first trimester)
- Sexual abuse
Dla Państwa wygody uruchomiliśmy specjalny nr telefonu do fizjoterapeutki, która udziela wszelkich informacji dotyczących badania i treningu mięśni dna miednicy: Tel. 790 565 80.
Można też zadzwonić na Recepcję Spa, która umówi pierwsze spotkanie pod nr telefonu 94 35 30 572.
Treatment duration: do 30 min.
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