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Our doctors

Grażyna Zaręba

Chief Medical Officer. She is graduated in Medicine from Medical Academy in Katowice.

She holds a second degree specialization in Internal Medicine and has completed courses in Balneology and Physical Medicine. She has experience working in Internal Medicine Department and Gastroenteritis Department in Ruda Śląska Hospital. Over 20 Years She has been working as a Family Doctor. Actually she`s supervising Medicine Department in Sanatorium SAN.
She isproclaiming the maxim of father of Medicine- Hipokrates: “A Doctor treat, Nature is healing”.

Maurycy Mroczka

Chief Medical Officer of the SAN Health SPA

He graduated in Medicine from Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin in 1982 and holds a second degree specialization in Internal Medicine. Dr Mroczka has completed courses in Balneology and Physical Medicine required by law relating to spa therapy and treatments.

He has over 30 years of health care experience including: 15 years at the Internal Medicine and Cardiology Unit of the local hospital and 30 years in Medical Spa therapy. He worked on the wards of different sanatoriums and in the Spa Hospital as Chief Physician of Early Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit. He held a position of Chief Physician of Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit of Social Insurance Institution.


Doctor Mroczek is in favour of any physical activity, that helps to improve or maintain your physical fitness as well as your health in general. Working with patients he is guided by two principles: first, do no harm-and prevention is better than cure.

Jolanta Grzesiak

She graduated in Medicine from Medical University of Silesia in Katowice in 1984. She holds a second degree specialization in Diabetology and Internal Medicine. Dr Grzesiak has completed courses in Balneology and Physical Medicine, required by law relating to spa therapy and treatments. She has 27 years of health care experience including: 10 years working in a hospital Internal Medicine Unit; 7 years in Primary Care; 20 years in the Spa Hospital Diabetes Unit and Diabetes Health Centre.

Doctor Grzesia has been employed by SAN Health SPA  since 2002. 

Dominik Skupiński

He graduated in Medicine from Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin in 2005.

He has 8 years of health care experience working in the local hospital, primary family care and medical spas. He is currently in the process of obtaining a specialization degree in Diagnostic Imaging and Radiology (special interest in diseases of the musculoskeletal system)

His work is guided by the principles of holistic approach to patient care. 

Marek Pelc

Lek. Specjalista chorób wewnętrznych

  • Dyplom Pierwszego Stopnia Specjalizacji w zakresie chorób wewnętrznych, wydany przez Akademię Medyczną Lublin.
  • Dyplom Specjalisty Drugiego Stopnia w zakresie  zakresie balneoklimatologii i medycyny fizykalnej, wydany przez Centrum Medyczne Kształcenia Podyplomowego w Warszawie