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Manual Therapy

In the Manual Therapy department of the San Medical Spa of the University of Social Sciences, the treatment of functional changes in the musculoskeletal system occurs in the form of disorders localized within joints and soft tissues such as muscles, ligaments, fascia or skin.

The aim of the therapeutic effect is to remove the diagnosed disorders and related pain by using targeted manual techniques. The basic techniques used in manual therapy are soft tissue techniques, tractions, mobilizations, manipulations. 

Manual therapy used in  San Medical Spa is a special form of therapy of musculoskeletal disorders. It is often incorrectly identified with chiropracticism, which unlike manual therapy has no basis in the sources of medical knowledge. It belongs to the field of physiotherapy and is supported by scientific research. Manual therapy involves the examination and treatment of peripheral joints and the spine. The first part of the study is usually an accurate interview. Then, the quality of the movement, its ranges, biomechanics and other factors (eg painfulness) are examined. During therapy using special techniques of mobilization or manipulation and work on soft tissues, disturbed biomechanics of the joints (unblocking joints) are restored, which leads to reduction of pain, increase of the range of motion and resolution of inflammation.

One of the techniques used in our manual therapy department is the FDM technique. 

You can book a manual therapy as a treatment (PRICE: medical treatments list, no 52

or in an Individual Therapy package.

Watch an introduction movie about Individual Therapy (2 minutes)

Watch full movie about Individual Therapy (22 minutes)